Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wedding in the Family...

One of our Stonies got hitched on April 18th!

Bethany Veerman is now Bethany Johnson.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Johnson: JUST MARRIED!

And lovin' it!
Who knew Brian would later regale us with an air guitar concert while spinning on his back?
Kimberly & Brian Medaglia, Jessica Cuthbert

After eating a spinach salad, this was the best smile Brad could offer...
Kevin Olsen, Lisa & Brad Zulke

Aren't weddings romantic?
Kevin & Stephanie Selig

Clint, haven't you worked quite a few One Smooth Stone "events"?
Anne Vlk, Clint (the DJ) & Gary Vlk

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I made the blog!! Love you all. What a great celebration . . . can't wait for more.